Yes, I am reading other fanfiction as well.

My main interest for a long time has been JAG, whose fandom I've been following rather closely in the past. I liked the show for their two very complex people, also interacting with an interesting group of supporting characters. More or less the same can be said for my interest in Stargate (classic SG-1) but that may also have been colored by my attraction to the former lead character wink Both of those fandoms got some good writers and archives/writing groups which are generally a pleasure to visit.

Smallville is a show I've been watching in the past, so naturally fanfiction was a thought as well. I did (and seldomly still do) read some stories but like Yvonne already explained, the results do not satisfy me. SV is a show with teen characters for a teen audience and that weighs heavily on the quality - not in a good way. Altough the target audience is similar for The OC, its fandom (or what I've seen so far) is mature enough for enjoyable results. Though OC fanfiction is heavily colored in erotica, so I only get to read when the mood strikes me because that genre's not my motivation behind reading.

House MD is my current obsession, as I just noticed this show on national TV a few months ago. The main character is a real pain in the *** and on every other show he'd be hated by me but he fascinates me through his circumstances and history.

In the past I've visited plenty of different fandoms but I only stick with LnC while taking a look every now and then into those mentioned alternatives.

Thanks by the way to Chris for this Gilmore Girls archive link, I've always wanted to read some of those stories but I only ever knew (and to find one good story there, you have to eliminate 15 mediocre and 20 awful ones first)