Absolutely, I do. Though nowadays I prefer discussion to fic, usually, because I've become very picky.

I love Firefly fic. Ususally non-romance, though I do read Zoe/Wash and the occasional Kaylee/Simon fic. I like Mal/Inara, too, but don't read much fic on them. Excepting the Zoe/Was shorties, I think I like my romance mixed with a general fic for that fandom. I like gen stories and stories about Simon and River (that's my absolute favorite relationship on the show) - I just wish some people'd mark their incest stories more clearly so I could avoid them. I also tend to like one-characer-based fics, dealing with their perceptions of the world around them.

I read Star Wars fics. I read prequel AUs where Anakin doesn't fall (Thwarted Fate - fanstastic) and time-travel fics where the OT and PT meet and Anakin doesn't fall. And RUs for the original trilogy (that don't reference New Jedi Order because I despised it haven't bought a new SW book since the first one came out - I strongly dislike the new books). I like ones set where right after ROTJ where Han's trying to figure out the details of them being siblings and finds out Vader is their father, or Leia wants to know how Luke found out, etc.

I don't read a lot of fic, though.