I'm arriving late to this thread, I hope its no problem, but I couldn't help it blush . I too have been an avid reader in other fandoms. I think X Files has been the largest pool I've jumped in terms of sheer size and variety. It was an great experience (I got into it at its height just after the movie came out) and I still have one fic there that just blows me away every time I re-read it (even though it has been a highly contentious fic in the fandom, but that's another topic), but otherwise I'm pretty much done with it and have been for a while. I think my experience with X-Files was so positive because of my personal taste in really dark themes. The series lends itself to that.

Soon after my foray into X Files I tried Star Wars , having been a long time fan. Still, I'd have to agree with someone who mentioned that the overall quality of the fanfic just isn't as high as here. This is my newest fandom (athough I was addicted to the series, it just never ocurred to me to look for fics)--I've been pouring through everything under the sun in terms of fanfic and have found the quality of most of what I've encountered pretty high in terms of creativity and just darn good writing. There might not be the sheer volume there is of material as there is in other fandoms, but what there is more often than not is top notch in my experience. That's way better than wading through tons of junk to get to one gem.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan