I can understand both sides of the "to post or not to post" debate.

"When Friends Become Lovers" and "When Lovers Become More" are two of my very favorite Lois and Clark fanfic stories. When I first discovered the L&C fanfic world, they were two of the first that I read and truly were the stories that got me hooked. After reading them several times, I am still affected by the sheer power and quality of the writing.

With that being said, I would LOVE it if "When More Becomes Everything" becomes a full story (even if we are all old and gray.) I wonder, is it a possiblity to scale back the magnitude of the story? Would this increase the possibility of the story actually being written? If so, I promise to post all sorts of feedback on each part written!

But, if the story simply isn't going to be written, I prefer to fall back on a phrase a teacher of mine from years ago liked to say: "Something is better than nothing."

While the notes would definitely not be as satisfying as a fully developed story, I for one would like to see the notes if that is all that is available.

Even though I am one who does want to see the notes, that still does not solve the issue of whether or not to post the notes on the Boards. Perhaps it does not have to be a "to post or not to post" situation. There is a possible middle ground. If a list were compiled on this thread of people who want to see the notes; then maybe (if she is willing) Kathy could simply e-mail the notes to the people who want them.

And you never know, maybe some feedback generated from the notes may inspire the muse to demand the story be finished.

If this sounds like a good idea, you can add my e-mail address to the list of people who would like to be e-mailed the notes. (my e-mail address is available in my profile.)


"But my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all."

-Oscar Wilde, "Lady Windermere's Fan"