I'm going to disagree with the pack here.

I don't want to see the notes.

For some stories, maybe, but for this? Heck no. The notes would have plot details and stuff, but they wouldn't have those rich, beautiful, flowing scenes that really set the series apart. The ones that just take you with them, carry you into that world, and show you what it really looks like.

In place of that, I'd be getting the bare bones. The skeleton of the thing. Which would just be wrong. Sad, too.

Not only that, but (here's the part where I get mean), posting the notes would give you closure (to a degree). You'd say "okay, I did something with them, and that's good enough." And so, another couple years down the road, when you might suddenly think "hey, maybe I can write it, after all," you won't have as strong a motivation to do it. It could be the critical difference.

So, not only would we not get the key part of the experience, but we'd be hurting the chances (however slim they may seem at the moment) of ever getting it.

Thanks for the offer, but, speaking (of course) for myself... no thanks.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.