Like Sheila, I really didn't enjoy the first fic I ever read. I don't remember the name.

I had just come on the internet and was trying to figure out how to do a search. I realized I'd never seen the picture of Teri Hatcher wrapped in Superman's cape (although I'd heard lots about it) so I decided to try to find that.

I stumbled across the archives and tried reading a story and immediately decided that fanfic wasn't for me.

Anyway, a couple of months later, I started to wonder if anyone out there knew how the writers of the show planned to deal with the baby at the end of season four. I'd never had any closure to the issue. So I started a search and ended up finding the fifth and sixth seasons. Well, I devoured them.

Once I'd finished reading them, I was lost. I didn't want to go back to the archives because I figured the stories there were all bad. But then the withdrawal started. I needed a Lois and Clark fic. So... I tried again and... wow. I was amazed by all the great stories I was finding. And the rest, as they say, is history.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane