I was reading the feedback for Wendy's trailer for Meredith's "Night Errant", and both Erin and Labrat said that was one of the first fics they'd ever read.
Close. <g> But, actually, we were both commenting on Wendy's trailer for Heaven's Prisoners. goofy I haven't had time yet to watch the trailer for Night Errant. And can't speak for Erin, but Meredith started posting fanfic long after I'd joined FoLCdom, so by the time I read Night Errant I had a few hundred under my belt. laugh

I can't remember the first fic I read. Well, hold that. Actually, I can. It was within a couple of hours of first getting hooked up to the net. I google'd LNC fanfic and it came up with a truly terrible badfic X between LNC and the X Files. Almost put me off fanfic for life.

Fortunately, ten minutes later I discovered the Archive. So I can't really count the first one as being a true LNC fanfic. wink

After that, I couldn't really say which was the first fic I read because I developed a system over a period of the next few weeks/months, where I'd desperately print out as much fanfic from the Archive as I could in the two hours I was allowed online at that time and then take a huge bundle of paper downstairs and snuggle up with it on the sofa and read into the small hours of the morning.

Absolute bliss.

I do remember that Jennifer Baker's stories hit an immediate chord. Warm, WAFFy, just the thing for LNC WS. (This was only a couple of weeks after I heard that LNC had been cancelled, so I was in mourning). Sheila Harper's stories, Demi's Heaven's Prisoners, FlakeyDom's stories, Pam's President Kent series, Margaret Brignall's wonderful Alt Clark trilogy...and a host more brightened my evenings. I was in LNC hog heaven. <happy, nostalgic sigh>

Earlier on, I also found and read the virtual Season Five. I'd heard about it on a teletext page of all things. I remember not being able to wait until Sunday rolled around and I could read a new episode.

I used to desperately refresh Debby Stark's page every week, too, hoping for a brand new segment of Dawning.

I'm sure I've missed some of the authors who introduced me to the wonders of LNC fanfic...there were so many. I was generally amazed at the quality of it all.

Oh, I do remember the first time I found nfic. I hadn't paid much attention to the genre because the only experience I'd ever had of it was about 20 years previously with K/S (Kirk/Spock) slash zines. I never really read those, wasn't interested in that relationship, but a friend I knew devoured them and would read bits out at gatherings. <G> So that was pretty much what I thought nfic was. Not for me.

Then, one evening, trawling around for more fic, I stumbled into Menolly's website. I don't know why I read her first story there, but I'm so glad I did. I was blown away with the romantic, WAFFy, sensual stories of the Dayzs series. This was nothing like the nfic I'd known in the past. Shortly after that, I went looking for nfic and found The Gorn, who wrote one of my all-time favourite nfics - One and Only.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers