Close. <g> But, actually, we were both commenting on Wendy's trailer for Heaven's Prisoners. [Goofy] I haven't had time yet to watch the trailer for Night Errant. And can't speak for Erin, but Meredith started posting fanfic long after I'd joined FoLCdom, so by the time I read Night Errant I had a few hundred under my belt. [Big Grin]
Hee! At least I had the link pointing the right thread. Oops. blush But I can blame that on my failing memory as an old fogey, right? wink I took the link out so I don't confuse the heck outta everyone. *g*

Lab, your tale (not to be confused with your tail wink ) reminds me a lot of my own. Lots of the same authors, some of which I'm delighted to see are still around. laugh

Thanks for catching my Faux Pas , Lab. goofy (And I'm putting that link in there because Wendy's story is one of the first ones I remember reading when I came back to the online fandom after a little hiatus. Does that make me born again? laugh )


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