I was reading the feedback for Wendy's trailer for Meredith's "Night Errant", and both Erin and Labrat said that was one of the first fics they'd ever read. Reading that kind of jolted me back to the fact that I'm an "old fogey" folc goofy because Meredith wasn't even around when I read my first fic.

Since we have such a wide range of "ages" among folcs (e.g. I'm a 10 year old folc... maybe older... been around since almost the beginning wink ), now I'm wondering what everyone else's first fic was. We ought to have a nice variety of different fics. smile

It's been at least a decade since I read my first fic... back in ancient times when fic was distributed on a listserv because *gasp* there was no archive. I can't recall exactly what my first fic was, but the one that stands out most in my mind from my early days as a folc, is Kathy Brown's Camping With Clark . Louette McInnes's Man of Kleenex is another early one I remember. (And I just won't mention that I had all the 12 parts of Debby Stark's Dawning printed out and in its own binder... because that would be embarrassing blush ).

So, my question to everyone else is: What were some of the very first fics you read? And if you can remember *the* first fic you read, I'll give you bonus points since you're way ahead of me. goofy

Sara smile

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