My hope is that any time we read any story on the archive, we forgive the occasional typo.
Amen to that. Your post made me chuckle, Mols, because I suddenly found myself remembering how it all used to be in the world of paper zines, waaaaaaaaaay before the internet.

I remember the normal method for many of the zines I submitted to was for the editor/publisher of the zines to manually retype submissions into the proper format for the zine.

Oh, the angst of having to trust someone else to type the thing just as you had. eek I remember, once, three entire scenes were missed out of my story. And, of course, it was impossible to fix such errors once they were out there and no way even to contact your readers to let them know something was missing. You just had to trust they figured it out for themselves and leave it at that. There was practically no communication between authors and readers back then too.

Just remembering that experience makes me twitchy to this day. goofy

I'd forgotten all about that. LOL. My, but the internet is a wonderful thing. Makes life so much easier.

LabRat smile ( notworthy to the gods of the internet. You guys rock. )

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers