Yes, good topic, Anna! Count me amongst those who cringe at the thought of all those horridly written stories published under my name. Part of me would love to get rid of them, especially a lot of the nfic stories. Ugh! However, as others have said, they do serve as a record of your growth as an author. Just think of all those poor composers, artists, writers, film makers, poets, etc, who have no option but to live with the fact that their early works are out there for all to see and hear. They'd probably like to get rid of them, but I imagine that they tell themselves pretty much the same thing we're saying: that's where I was then, and this is where I am today.

And just imagine how encouraging it is for new authors (or poets, composers, etc) to see that the artists they admire most and perhaps aspire to emulate were once just as inexperienced as they are. smile
