it would be worth it rather than losing the story altogether.
For now, yes, I'd agree. Whether that would always be the case though is not so clear cut if it was seriously impairing our ability to get new stories onto the Archive or if our GEs were being loaded down with the extra work. We may in that case just have to make the sacrifice in order to ensure the Archive remains viable.

As, over the years, you've been the only author who's asked to have story files replaced, Nan, it hasn't impacted that much on the workload, so it hasn't been a problem.

However, if that were to change in the future, and we were becoming so overloaded with requests to replace files that it was clogging up the works or tying up GEs so that they couldn't work on anything else, then obviously we'd have to seriously rethink our policy on this one. At which time we'd probably need to have a serious debate about the best solutions.

We're nowhere close to that situation at the moment though. So, for now, I'd merely ask any author considering making such a request that you ask yourself long and hard if you really, really, really, absoutely cannnot bear <g> what's already on the Archive before you mail me asking to have a file replaced. I'd request it be a method of last resort, rather than one of first response. smile

For now, our policy remains the same and we'll try to accomodate such requests as we always have.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers