I will only state that I'm not going to worry if it's fanon or canon. If it looks right, I'm going to write it and the heck with which it is.
Well, I'm going to grab onto that with both hands.

Because I have to say, having tried to catch up on all the threads on this subject and in the polls, I'm more confused than when I started.

And I have alternately decided I write nothing but fanon with a sometimes spark of canon purely by kismet. Or that I stick as closely to canon as I know how, and sometimes belly flop over into fanon, hardly feeling the sting.

It's both, I'm certain. Or not. Maybe.

Anyway, I'm going to join Nan at the bar.

On the whole, I don't think too hard. Call it lazy or call it gut-reaction, I have a idea of how these characters *sound* and *feel* to me. It's vague enough I couldn't spell it out on a dare, but it keeps me oriented as I write.

Simple as that. Muddle it up with facts, and I'm in big trouble.


edit: holy cow! this is my 900th post!!

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
