This is great guys - all fascinating and I was right, now that you're mentioning them most of them are obvious things that I was aware of - just hadn't thought about in years. Sara, thanks for starting the thread. I'm intrigued by all the posts so far. thumbsup Keep them coming!

I think the forehead curl though comes from the show. At least, I have a very vivid picture in my mind of Lois reaching up and brushing it back. Don't ask me which episode it would be though. Might have been more than one. Anyone else remember that? Or am I making it up as I go along now.

The flying thing. I used that in one of the first nfic romps I wrote. Although it wasn't fear of flying as such as it was just that Clark was bored and felt confined and restricted. I took that from the show. Well, I extrapolated that from the show, is more accurate. <g>

In one of the Lex Files episodes Clark has been off interviewing a murderer before he is put to death and in the scene where he returns to the DP and Lois greets him he just looks so weary and fed up that I got the notion flying on a plane wasn't exactly on his list of favourite things to do. And once that thought was in my head, it seemed logical to me that if you can fly like a bird with all that freedom and sky to wander around in, being cooped up on a much slower plane must be immensely boring and frustrating.

You know, this is even more interesting than I figured it would be. Anyone else out there who have written fanon moments care to share what inspired them to do so?

Oh and one of my own. When I posted last I wasn't sure if it was what people meant by fanon - but I think there are a few fanfic out there where Clark and Lois's favourite restaruant is Angelina's (think I got the name right). And I think that was taken up from one fanfic author and carried on by others.

BTW, it's a personal bias but I just hate that word fanon. <g> Anyone else hate it too? Now that my memory is coming back online, I seem to remember having a similar conversation to this on the fanfic mailing list, oh, ages ago, and someone calling it FoLCLore. Much cuter for me. <g>

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers