The lock of hair, I've always believed, was inspired by the comics. There, Clark has always had a single lock of hair that curls in front of his forehead. In the movies, Chris Reeve had it as Superman but not as Clark. (In what I always thought was a pretty cool touch, Chris Reeve's Superman also had slightly blue-tinted hair, another neat little homage to the character's four color origins.) The Lock is part of Superman's signature hairstyle, and, thanks to his invulnerability, remains there no matter what. It has, quite literally, popped right back into place after a nuclear explosion. Personally, I was always a little disappointed that it was never seen on the show, so I was happy to see it begin to appear in fic.

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Hmm. I take it back. Looks like the Lock actually did make it into the series: [Linked Image]

As for fanon, the best example I can think of is Clark's discomfort with airline travel. I don't think that was ever mentioned in the show. In fact, the only time I can think of when Clark would have been on a passenger plane (as opposed to Baron Sunday's private jet or Trask's military transport) in the show was when he flew to Smallville with Lois in GGGoH. We never saw the plane, but it was never mentioned, either. All we see is Clark driving from the airport with Lois, and in that scene, he's so relaxed it's grating on Lois's nerves. Despite that, though, it's fanon that Clark hates, perhaps even fears, being on commercial flights.

A more blurry example is that Superman was being intentionally cruel to Lois when he came to see her after she'd rejected Clark in BatP. It makes sense to me, and I'm not sure I'd have seen it any other way, but that has become the accepted interpretation.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.