Wow, this whole conversation is really amusing to me, because my dorm has no restrictions at all <g>. We can have any guests we want, any time, we have coed suites, we have coed bathrooms... My dorm is very relaxed; there are very few rules (which is good, because a lot of people wouldn't obey them anyway...<g>). Smoking is also permitted in private rooms, if roommates don't mind.

If anyone's curious, I happened to find this on the housing website. Senior House. It's taken from right in front of my door, actually, although I don't know how old it is. We don't have a couch there anymore frown But this is more or less where I live <g>. (If anyone's really curious, you can check out the video that's sent to incoming freshmen to help them pick a dorm. It's pretty weird and/or frightening-- don't judge me by my surroundings! blush -- but it makes me laugh anyway wink I live on the contact juggling/fire tricks floor <g>)

Think large, tiled room with multiple shower heads and no closable doors. You had roughly four feet of "personal" space between shower heads and nothing else.
Jeff, I'd have died! I'm spoiled here. I did live at Paul's dorm for a few months over a summer, and I must admit I was a little less comfortable with the coed bathrooms there. The stalls there are just like stalls in any public restroom anywhere, so someone could theoretically peep at you over the door or wall. The showers and toilets in my building have solid wooden doors that lock.

As for double beds... I could *never* put a double bed in here. That's the one downside of this dorm; we have carpet and air conditioning, but the rooms are pretty small. So my bed is lofted and I have a cabinet and a refrigerator under it <g>. No way I could put even a twin on the floor, let alone a double!

Kaylle wink