I lived in a military co-ed dorm, so no help for you there.

But babies Kicking, oooo it was like fish moving in your gut right about the end of the 4th month.
A lot of fish. Then there comes the rolling and traveling from one side to the other.

God Forbid you lay on your side from 6-8 months because she'll push you on that side til you get up. They like to use your bladder for a trampoline too cause I'd get a couple of hops right at the bottom of my belly and then have to go.

It's funny when you can actually see it, you pull your shirt up and watch this little buldge on your tummy that you know is a heel or behind as she slides from one side to the other and then you get that swishing feeling when the amniotic fluid settles to the other side

Hope these descriptions help.