i want to add in my own congratulations to all the winners, and again to all the nominees.

thanks to kcomm for a wonderful ceremony. i'm just sorry i couldn't be there for the whole thing. for the parts i was around for (about 3/4), i'll have to agree with lab -- one of the best nights i've had in a while. fun, lively chat, friendly atmosphere, some really great speeches, and, to top it all off (or to start it all off, actually...), i won a kerth!! absolutely amazing. wish i could think of something more intelligible to say about that. at the time, i was too busy wondering about the strange throbbing/tingling sensation in my chest which started about .05 seconds after i saw my name on the screen. now, hours later, i have no excuse. it's just... wow.

congrats again to all the winners and nominees. congrats especially to CC and lynn, who did very well for themselves this first year. looking forward to more from you two! thanks again to kcomm for putting it all together. i'm still smiling, and not just from the kerth. that was a really fun ceremony.

now, i've only got one problem... i have to wait a whole year before i can go to the next one???


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.