There are two main ways I start writing. (Gosh that sounds like a grammar school sentence when we first started writing paragraphs goofy ) Anywho, more often then not a single sentence of dialogue pops in my head, and it nags at me and nags at me and nags at me oh for the love of God I start writing just to get it out of my head!!!

Mixed in a lot with that is my second idea-haven, which is real life. I tend to feel drunk when I'm sick. Throw in a bunch of NyQuil, and I'm passed out on the bed for days at a time, waking up to blow my nose, eat, and occasionally moan. And I occasionally write fic somewhere in there, so that's where Robitussin came from. (Plus I wrote a NyQuil song at some point, too. laugh )


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy