This is a combined response to this thread and to Hazel's 'condensed writing' thread. Both have been very interesitng to read, and so thanks for starting them. smile

So ... condensed writing:
Yes, I had to write precises in high school, and good for my verbose soul they were. smile I used way too many words in my stories. I tried to get rid of them, sometimes even succeeded in deleting a few during revision, but was too undisciplinesd to carry through what I knew should have been done. Strange Visitors is ok though - it's very short.

I sometimes think that I should write only haikus - i so admire their clean elegance.

ok thread 2: Crazy:
Yes! - Oh that refers to writing. <g>
I'm not really sure how I approached writing - I guess it varied. I do feel the characters' emotions, and that has sometimes been a starting point, not just the emotions of Lois or Clark, but also of secondary characters. That influences me as a reader too. smile
Sometimes, though, it was a character appearing whom I didn't know or quite understand and so i had to follow that character and find out what s/he was about.
Linear? Sometimes, yes, except for when i started with a scene in the middle of the story and then had to build a story around it.

I have no idea! Help, Timmy!
