i was surprised, too, karen. the update is relatively new, but you'd think other people would write in about it, especially if they hadn't manually imported their own favorites lists.

certainly i can understand if it takes a few emails. i don't mind responding to questions and all. what was quite frustrating, however, was the impression that they were either not reading or not understanding what i was saying. i thought i was expressing myself clearly, but i obviously have a biased opinion about the matter. wink

after i simultaniously recieved a message asking me to fill out a survey (because the case had been marked closed) and the second email offering the same stock answer that had nothing to do with the case, i began to get frustrated and annoyed.

anyway, i've been happy with earthlink in general. we switched from AOL, and the comparison has been very favorable. earthlink software does more (spamblocker, spyware blocker, download accelerator, and now virus blocker come free, among other features), takes up less room, ties up less memory, crashes a heck of a lot less, and is less invasive. they also have better policies about screennames (you get up to 8, each with its own mailbox, 10mb web locker, etc., and, unlike, AOL, you can sign on with 2 screennames at a time. there's a minimal fee for doing that, but it's a lot better than AOL's policy of kicking both users off the network.)

i wasn't so happy when customer service wanted me to give them my password over the phone for identity verification. so, not only did they have access to my password, but they wanted me to say it out loud. that's not a policy i'm too happy about.

anyway, my point is that this experience with tech support should not be considered representative of earthlink service in general.

I'm a bit surprised they told you to contact Windows rather than Microsoft. It's not like Windows is the name of the company, after all, and they ought to know that.
yeah, i noticed that, too, emily, along with some rather interesting gramatical choices.

as for the knowledge base, i haven't tried it for this issue, tho i have found useful info there on other topics. it's an interesting thought. maybe i'll give it a shot. like i said, tho, the issue is becoming moot as an OS reinstall looks progressively more likely. thanks for the suggestion, tho. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.