Wow, Kaethel, you really don't like AKAS, do you? What puzzles me is that, looking at the things that frustrate you in that episode, I can't imagine there are many episodes that *don't* have equally silly, inconsistent, or superficial aspects to them.
Fair enough. smile I can indeed rant in the same sort of way about many episodes, yes, plenty in S1 and 2, too (Smart Kids, Illusions of Grandeur or Chi of Steel, just to name a few). And I think there are very few episodes that don't have a little something that drove me nuts. That's why it's much easier for me to select favourite episodes than most-loathed ones. [g] But just to make it clear in case it's misunderstood, I perfectly understand that people can prefer AKA Superman to some episodes which I would consider top of the top. As Rat said, it's completely a matter of taste, and if we all had the same taste, life would be boring. Not to mention the show wouldn't have lasted so long. As it is, some of us prefer the show pre-revelation, others prefer it post-revelation, some don't like angst and introspection, others thrive on it. The good of that is that it ensures we get a huge variety of fanfic that can satisfy everyone's taste. smile

Laura, I do have to express my surprise that, since you dislike angst, the one arc you decided to rewrite is the NK arc. I loved the NK arc precisely because it was full of angst. laugh However, I unfortunately haven't had time to fully read your F&AE yet, so maybe you managed to wipe out all the angst to satisfy your taste. smile

I think what matters above all is that you have fun when you write - I doubt anyone here would write something that includes elements of the show that they disliked, either. smile If one hates beginning stories, they won't go and write one, unless they know of a specific element in beginning stories that irks them and manage to avoid that element in their own story. Same with any other fanfic genre. With over 2000 stories on the fandom, there's room for every sort of taste, and this is what makes it interesting. smile

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~