Well, my first reaction was that you'd hit the target for why I choose an episode to rewrite. Something upsets or irritates me, and then I feel the need to fix it. But the more I thought about it, the more I realize that it wasn't that I was rewriting episods I hated, I was writing episodes I loved...except for one element. There was one thing I wanted to fix to make it perfect. The first fanfic I ever wrote was Fly Me to the Moon. I wrote it because I *adored* the episode Church of Metropolis. Lois comes home and she's still dancing around with a sappy grin. And I'm thinking, "Yes! She's finally starting to see Clark in a romantic light!" ... and then Superman shows up. And I just wanted to beat him about the head. <G> So I changed it. smile

And then kinda sums up my favorite stories - both of my own stories and of the stories I read. I love seeing plotlines I loved made better. If I really hated an episode - actually, I don't think there are any episodes I *hate there are just plenty that I didn't care for - I'm not inspired to write about that time. I'd rather just make up my own story from that time period than try to adapt or extend an episode I didn't care for.


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen