
I know I'm probably in the minority here, but what the heck. I *hate* TOGOM because of the apart angst and Clark's stupidity and you'll probably never see me do a flat-out rewrite of it. (Unless, that is, I move it out of the timeline and into 2004 and thus destroy *all* of the angst and turn it into something much more lighter--it'd fit into the contunity of my F&AE universe that way.) I've only done one re-write, and that's of the NK arc, but it's because I loved the arc and I saw lots of unexplored possibilities in it.

I don't like the Arrggh all that much, but I don't see myself ever rewriting it for that reason. Heck, I like Tempus as a villian *much* more than Lex Luthor. And I may get yelled at for this, but Masques wasn't to my taste because it leaned too heavily on introspection; I like stories that have lots of action, and much of the story was *very* internalized. (Zoomway's Persistance of Memory and Ann McBride's More Than Partners series are more to my taste)


“Rules only make sense if they are both kept and broken. Breaking the rule is one way of observing it.”
--Thomas Moore

"Keep an open mind, I always say. Drives sensible people mad, I know, but what did we ever get from sensible people? Not poetry or art or music, that's for sure."
--Charles de Lint, Someplace to Be Flying