I think we can all come up with episodes that we really don't like (well, except Yvonne) wink
<g> Yup, that's me. I can even find something to like in Soul Mates. laugh

I'm not sure that I'd call TOGOM a 'bad' episode, per se; who could forget those wonderful scenes just after Clark was 'shot'? Or, indeed, the tearful hug after he 'comes back to life'?
Um... laugh Okay, maybe I'm being a bit contrary here, but honestly, I *don't* remember those scenes terribly well at all.

Wow, Kaethel, you really don't like AKAS, do you? What puzzles me is that, looking at the things that frustrate you in that episode, I can't imagine there are many episodes that *don't* have equally silly, inconsistent, or superficial aspects to them. I seem to remember having this conversation with you before, mind you, and this isn't really answering Pam's question, so I should probably keep quiet. smile

I don't mind what sort of episode is rewritten. What I don't like is when the rewrite is so close to the original that you don't feel you're reading anything terribly new. Fortunately, that doesn't seem to happen too often. Episode rewrites which weave some of the original in around a new version are cool - Nan's writing a very good example of that with the perfume thingy. It's fun when you suddenly bump up against a familiar line or two, but in a different context.
