Coming belatedly to this thread...

I hate to say me, too, but... me, too. I have real problems keeping the motivation going sometimes. EMII, for instance... (Yeah, well you all know way too much about that!)

Sometimes words flow; other times I feel completely blocked. Curiously, though, that blocked feeling doesn't necessarily apply to ideas. I have a number of those whizzing around my head at the moment, but none of them seem very keen to come out.

This makes me think that stories will mature and venture forth when they are ready, not necessarily when you want them to.

You might think that now is a good time to write, but if you can't, all that is going to happen is that you're going to get very frustrated if you try to force it. So don't. Lean back, relax and find something else to do without feeling guilty about it.

BTW, I was interested to see that you seem to think that you don't write so well with pen and paper. Oddly, I'm quite the reverse. I much prefer to do my first drafts in longhand then type them up. (That's one reason why bits of my stories get written in very strange places: cafes, bottoms of cliff faces, really terrible hostels, other people's kitchens...)

But I'm getting very off topic here.

Summary: I don't have any great suggestions for getting motivated, but I would say don't get too upset if the words won't come now. They will sometime in the future, most likely effortlessly, and you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

Chris (who is waiting for words to flow, too).