ugh, I know exactly what you're talking about. Sometimes I feel like I get more exited about the idea of write than about actually writing. When I'm at work or out driving or whatever - just not sitting at my computer - I have lots of ideas and I can't wait to write. Then I sit down at my computer and I'm just overwhelmed. There is too much to write, I don't know where to start, and I'm just not motivated. I wind up compulsively checking my email, chatting on AIM, looking up totally random things on google, etc. Or I get sick of the computer altogether and I read or watch tv. In any case, I get nothing done. Then the end of the day comes and I'm furious with myself for not making good use of my time off. Because I'm always moaning and groaning about working too much and not having time to write, and then when I have a day off, I don't actually WRITE anything.

I'm not sure what to tell you about how to break through that. Don't get too discouraged, because you will break through. I always do. I think inspiration and motivation comes in cycles. Sometimes I'm so motivated I find myself sneakily writing on scrap paper when I should be working, or composing entire scenes in my car as I drive. And then I sit down at the computer and it just flows onto the screen. So sometimes you just have to wait for that feeling to come.

If you're too impatient for that, try writing out of order. Sometimes I can get motivated to write a specific scene, just not the next chronological scene. So if I allow myself to write whatever I want, that helps me get in the writing mode. Also try just giving yourself a guilt-free day off. Occassionally you just really need to get away.

I don't know if that helped at all, but at least you know you are not alone. smile


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen