K, I also understand exactly what you're going through! I've got that problem with Kidnapped right now - I know I'm nearing the end, and to be really honest, I'm getting a bit bored with it. I know what's going to happen, and have done for some time, so there's nothing much to keep me interested.

How do I manage this problem? Hum. Well, I find Annie's trick often works. I jump ahead to a scene I know I'll enjoy writing, and then things start to flow again. It's good for your morale if you're writing something, even if it's not exactly what you're supposed to be writing. wink The risk, of course, is that whatever you write won't quite fit into the story, but you can usually tweak things around to shoehorn it in. The benefit is that you've now got a goal to aim for - all you have to do is fill in the gap between the main story and the bit you've written further on. Sometimes you can even track backwards. And best of all, when you reach the scene you wrote, you've suddenly got a big chunk to add to the story and you leap on pages and pages. smile
