I can't tell you how excited I was about this week's theme! smile1 So very very cool! In fact, I should have been in bed by now, but Jessi reminded me about it (so insanely tired I had actually forgotten!) and so I had to open Word up and write this. smile

A quick note before anyone complains that this isn't really L&C... there's this little fic out there that I wrote, which is called All Weathered Out and for which I was going to write a prologue. Well... this drabble is it. *This* is the prologue to my fic.

(and *this* is me doing the happy dance!)


From the first second, she had hated him. With all her heart and soul, she had despised everything he did, everything that he stood for. People saw only the hero, but she knew… She knew that his presence in Metropolis caused more problems than it brought solutions. And every single day she campaigned against him with all the energy she possessed.

Until tonight.

Tonight, lightning had struck. Twice. And she had died. But through Superman’s carelessness, she was reborn; a being of pure electric energy, hatred and an insatiable craving for revenge.

Leslie Willis was no more… Long live Livewire!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies