Boy you don't ask for much do you? wink

Sorry to disappoint Classicalla, but I'm maxed out on this as it is. CCWB originally requested that I try to hold it to 3 universes and I already pushed that to 4. Plus I've got 4 Supermen, 3 Lois Lane's, a couple of Jimmy's, Perry, and several other characters that I'm trying to write dialogue for and keep them all separate and distinguishable. Whew!

And I'm up to 45 pages now. Getting close to wrapping things up - have everything plotted out. I think it will be 60-65 pages probably. Then I'll be going back through to revise and refine. :-)

But thanks for the suggestion. I'm excited and more than a little apprehensive about all the people who've told me they are looking forward to this story. The pressure's on...

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.