Jensguy -

I for one find this idea very intriguing. I would actually love to write a fic based on it, but right now I have two other fics I'm working on... so I imagine someone else will beat me to it.

Plus, as good of an idea as it is, and as detailed as it is, I don't know if I could do it justice. I'm writing a fic for someone else right now, they gave me an idea they wanted to see and turned me loose on it, and I'm so nervous to get it right...

That, and I know NOTHING about Smallville, never watched it. I could probably do Christopher Reeve's and Brandon Routh's characters justice, maybe, but not Welling... I don't know him.

But I hope someone takes you up on this challenge. It sounds wonderfully deep and complex. And I understood what you were getting at and where you were going with your ideas... but everyone looks at *words* differently. One person can read a paragraph totally different then someone else does. Don't take it personally. wink

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.