Hmm. Very interesting Classicalla. The only problem is that I'm using characters from movies we've all seen, and the trees are all green and the skies are all blue.

But I like your idea of different Kryptonite. Maybe I could introduce a new color (or do research in the comics on another color).

But yeah, that's sort of the idea I had about the Kryptonite affecting the Supermen differently. They can all be killed by green Kryptonite, but the green stuff from one universe doen't kill a Superman from another universe. Maybe it makes them a little dizzy or sick or something but isn't lethal.

I don't know. I'll keep toying around with it. This is the hardest story I've tried to write yet to come up with a decent plot line...

It'll probably take me a while. My muse is going to have to really be inspired. laugh

Later -- MR

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.