I regret that I used the word "sexist", because that word is extremely loaded with negative feelings and at the same time, it's very fuzzy at the edges - i.e., you don't know what it really means. I shouldn't have used it.

I do want to say that I dislike the idea that Lois, any Lois, should be regarded as "optional" to any story about Superman. All right: I'm not saying that Lois *must* be a part of each and every Superman story ever told, but I do mean that if you tell a story that is supposed to be a sort of introduction, a sort of "who's this guy?" kind of story, then I'll *hate* it if it's going to be optional to talk about Superman's, any Superman's, relationship with Lois Lane. The fact that "Superman II" made Margot Kidder optional to Christopher Reeve's Superman was what turned me off the very idea of Superman for ten years. And to me, the very, very best thing about LNC:TNAOS was that Lois was as essential as Superman to that TV show.

I, too, would actually like to see various Supermen come together to solve a problem of some kind. But I would so, so much want every Lois to be a part of the story, too.
