All Tempus could do was stare as the bus hurtled toward him. He didn't see the drunken figure staggering toward him.

The man grabbed him, just as the bus hit, and a moment later there was a flash of light.

Tempus blinked, and found himself in a large cavern. Behind him was a wall of flames.

The drunk beside him stood up, and Tempus blinked. He looked like a minor twentieth century film star...but Tempus couldn't recall who. It was on the tip of his tongue...Adam somebody...

Whoever he resembled, the man looked like an idiot.

"Sorry about that, man. I'm Nicki."

"Where are we?"

"We're at my dad's place." The man had the grace to look embarrassed.

"And where..."

"My dad's the Devil." Nikki admitted.

It was then that Tempus noticed the long line of damned souls, and the demons standing over them with whips and pitchforks.

"But I'm not dead!"

Nikki shrugged, and turned to go.

Tempus shrieked as he felt something pierce him in the backside.

A seven foot demon with the head of an *** stood grinning at him.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time, boy..."

"Ah, the irony." Tempus muttered to himself. This DIDN'T look like it would be fun.