"Up to mighty London came
An Irish lad one day,
All the streets were paved with gold,
So everyone was gay!"

Tempus looked around in despair as the song began to play. This could NOT be happening to him!

"Singing songs of Piccadilly,
Strand, and Leicester Square,
'Til Paddy got excited and
He shouted to them there:"

“Stop, stop, stop!” Tempus yelled to no avail. The song played on. It was positioned just so and quiet enough as to not attract attention, but still loud enough that he could hear it clearly where he was.

“It’s a long way to Tipperary,
It’s a long way to go.
It’s a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest girl I know...”

Over and over again... He hunched his shoulders, trying to drown out the noise. He talked, he yelled, he whistled, he hummed. He tried to make random words and tunes flow. But eventually, it got to him. His words would change of their own accord. His whistles and hums would take on a new tune. <Sing something you know> He told himself. “Oh Superbaby, new to the Earth. Play with your rock… cause It’s a long way to Tipperary…” <NOOOOOO> his mind reeled as he lost consciousness.

"Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square!
It's a long long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there."

El sang as she walked down the street. She could listen to this song forever. She knew it so well. In fact, it was almost as if she could hear it now. She paused, listening, then shook her head. That was silly, why would that song be playing in Suicide Slum? She rolled her eyes at herself and continued on her way. <hmm> She thought to herself. <I should teach this wonderful song to My Darling Fiance, Tempus> She smiled, thinking of all the places they could listen to it together (she had several copies of it). She was on her way to meet said soon to be husband, and she hurried on, not wanting to keep him waiting.

Tempus awoke to the song ringing in his ears. He didn't know how long he had lain there listening. It felt like forever, which for a time traveler, was a VERY long time. His mind swam in the song, it was all he knew, all he had ever known. He lulled to the side, acting almost as a drunkard. “It’s a looong waaay to tipp… tippra…tipprararery.” He giggled and some drool escaped, sliding down his chin and pooling on his shirt.

In the deep recesses of Tempus’ mind he pleaded. He pleaded with God, with the fates, with anyone or anything that would listen. <Make the madness stop…> This was even worse than hearing Mr. Goody Two Boot's life story…from Herb. He would do anything. Anything <I’ll be good> gulp <I swear…please>

And then suddenly…a change. It was ever so slight so subtle, but to Tempus it was everything. The radio, having have been taken by Sara from El (where else would she get a copy of the song), was finally succumbing to time. Or rather, the batteries were. It warbled and then died. Finally, finally Tempus was free.

His wounds were no longer bleeding, and the strength that had been sapped from him by the song was beginning to return. He fought frantically to free his hands. His eyes eventually rested on a sharp stone on the ground, and he rolled over and grabbed it with his fingers, using it to saw at his bindings. Success! He stood up slowly, rubbing his redded wrists. He stole a glance at the offending radio. It sat on the ground quietly, its innocence a mockery to him.

He leaned down to pick it up, not noticing the poisoned dart that wizzed by his head, embedding itself in the floor behind him ("Drat!" Breanna said from the 4th story window of the building next door). Tempus bashed the radio against the wall, swearing to kill the next person who sang even a line from that song! Hopefully, that would never happen, not that he didn't want to kill someone over this song. But he couldn't imagine anyone else subjecting him to it, besides the evil Sara. <insert several "revenge is mine, I will get even, blah, blah, blahs">.

Straightening his clothes, he walked off heading for a restroom where he could clean up.

{NEXT} evil
(A/N I forgot this was a kill tempus story..was having too much fun torturing him...so I threw in the dart..literally... oh, and no offense to those who like the song smile )

Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.