*Groggy, again* Tempus muttered to himself, *getting a little too familiar with that stun thing*

He flinched aside warily as a gentle hand touched his cheek.


Elena smiles over him seemingly happy he was aware. "I just saved you from being gassed to death, my Love."

"Who are you?" he squinted up at her.

She smiles wickedly as she rips her rubber Elena face mask off only to reveal herself as TJgruffs.

"YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!!" she shrieks as she dons a pair of brass knuckles and smashes his nose in. "21st century Pleb, huh!?! Not giving me another thought, huh!?!" she began to pound his face over and over as he weakly attempt to hold her off.

On the other side of the street a bee shook it's bitty little head as it regained consciousness and tried to get it's bearings *Find Tempus,...buzz, Find Tempus* It cleaned bits of glass out of it's wings before buzzing into the air.

"I'm not going to kill you yet!" TJ roared. "I'm gonna save you for Superman to have a go at." she laughed maniacally as she rose to find her baseball bat. Suddenly a small projectile struck the side of her head. Taken aback she jerked around trying to see what hit her. She yelped as she was struck again. A buzzing noise passed her ear tipped her off that she was being hit by a flying insect of some sort and she wildly waved her arms around her face to shoo it away, but it kept coming at her with dogged determination even as she ran crazily down the street screaming her anger.

"I'll get you!! I swear I'll get you, Tempus!!!!"



You guys were taking too long to post. I had to jump in. Please forgive.
blush TJ