Tempus groggily wakes up in the alley next to the building where the bomb was set to go off, his body still tingling from the affects of the stun gun as he sits up and sudden panic setting in as he remembers there *was* a bomb, right?

He hears a soft chuckling from the shadows of garbage bins and trashcans behind him.

"The bomb is gone baby," he hears a low growl, as he turns toward the chuckling, "but that just means I get to have *MY* turn."

A shadow of a figure holding a baseball bat steps forward and breaks both his legs with a well-aimed blow.

That's right, TJgruffs decided to cameo and get revenge and right now Tempus better be wetting his pants in terror, because after she beats him senseless with the bat, she tosses him into a nearby cement mixer parked in a construction zone.

Dusting her hands satisfactorily she cameo's herself out of the story, certain Tempus will either die a slow death from his injuries or be suffocated when they start mixing cement tomorrow.