Hurray! New author, new story, new fun! smile

What a wonderful and welcome premise, Nancy: a Lois who goes into full-tilt investigation mode on Superman! And LOL on the little details she uses to start tracking: aftershave and hair combs?! Noticing him much, Lois? laugh

It was great fun to see both Lois and Clark acting like reporters as well as being delightfully in character. And for some reason, that last image of Clark sitting on a cloud -- just casually reclining there, for all the world as if he's on some kind of white fluffy divan -- don't ask me why, but I found it utterly charming. smile

A beta might be a good idea for that final bit of polishing before you hit the archive, but this was a great read! Welcome to the world of FoLCdom, Nancy. And now that you've been blooded, you'll be mercilessly hounded everafter for MORE! smile


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827