Picture Lord Nor attacking Clark while he wears a ring with Green K
smile1 That was EXACTLY the image I had in mind to go with Bernie's jewlery suggestion! smile1

A reasonable person would have been expected to ask additional questions before agreeing to take on such a job. It seems to me akin to someone who buys a 50" television for $25 from the back of a truck. Perhaps "accomplice" is not the correct legal term; "accessory" maybe? (I am, obviously, no lawyer). In any event, it seems to me that she would have some measure of legal culpability, albeit much smaller than anyone else working for Lex.
We clearly have a disconnect. My vision was that Martha was interviewed for a job that was presented as if she would be working for a wealthy recluse. I don't think "Am I going to be working for an evil, psychopathic villain?" is on my standard list of questions for a potential employer. The job probably seemed a little different, but I have to believe that during the interview process, anyone that was too concerned never got that 2nd interview. Then, once she was there, she was scared to do anything other than what she was told.

One more thing about Martha’s behavior, she was also getting customized subliminal messages. I had a whole section were Lex and Dr. M talked about the interacting message programs that Martha and Lois were getting in their bedrooms at night. Martha’s subliminals were to be a proper and deferential servant. That’s why she wore the uniform and why she refused to eat with Lois. I cut that part out because the Lex / Mendenhall scene was already too long and that explanation did little to move the overall story arc forward. I clearly need to consider adding that back in.

Sorry to get so long-winded, but poor Martha doesn't deserve to go to jail. smile
