Hi Bob!

And now for the grand finale! I have no idea how you’re going to put everything back together in just a couple of pages peep

Chapter 12: Endings
Well, what a fitting chapter title!

but he couldn't feel it at all. And his face didn't feel torn up.

e'd experienced the super-speed, almost magical, healing that he’d had when he recovered from the building collapse, but it hadn’t been working since he'd been in this chamber.

Now he noticed something else. He could hear equipment noise as well as pages of a book turning.
Earlier, I thought the mention of the bright light might be an interesting tidbit but now it seems that he’s actually become immune to Kryptonite *an* is powered up on bright white lab light. This means he’s both invulnerable and kinda-sorta ticked off at Lex. Good thing Lois is programmed to like strong, dominant males who beat their competition senseless. Even the smell of cigars works well, considering that Clark’s going to have that fresh burn-smell on him after lighting up Lex’s…cigar with his heatvision.

How could this be? Clark looked at the Kryptonite again. It was right there where it had been all along. Could this be some kind of trick?
Yeah, replace all the lowhanging Kryptonite with fakes while he’s unconscious. But no… I guess Clark didn’t hear Lex releasing his bowls at the thought of Superman not being continuously exposed to Kryptonite. Say, considering you made such a show of it earlier on the part of Superman, will Lex give in to his baser natural needs when he meets an angry Superman? Poor Clark’s never going to get that stink out of his super nose, though.

. It would probably be more enjoyable if there was some way that Superman could be allowed to resist.
Ooooh, he’s so going to enjoy today’s session, then, isn’t he?

“Where are you holding Mrs. Kent?” Superman asked in a voice colder than any he'd heard before.
LEX: [Linked Image]

“Drop the Kryptonite!” Lex shouted as he used his free arm to reach into his vest.
Wouldn’t it be awkward if a sharp piece of Kryptonite spit Lex’s head apart? You know, ‘Human Killed by Kryptonite’.

There was a loud bang and Superman released his grip.
What’s he doing? And I’m using Clark’s not hurt?

Lex started for the entry tunnel but immediately tripped over one of the chunks of Kryptonite that had dropped from above.
Oh, the indignity!

Lex had managed to get almost to the tunnel when Superman shook off the disorientation from the pocket weapon and looked to be starting toward him. He would not be defeated by Superman. Not now. Not ever! “Open fire now!” Lex shouted in a final desperate act.
Yeah, so let’s review: a) Superman’s apparently impervious to a mixture of Kryptonite and metallic pieces flying at high velocities. b) he wants 4 guys to shoot at the ticked off alien stalking towards Lex in a room destined to produce ricochet from whatever bullets don’t flat out hit Lex directly. Yeah, not his finest out.

The men had dropped their guns and fled.
Yeah, probably wishing they had been wearing ski masks lined with lead fibres.

His enemy was still in the same spot that he'd been when he'd called for the gunmen to open fire.

Unfortunately, Luthor had not been invulnerable to the hail of bullets than had been ricocheting around the room. His body was riddled with bullet holes and both his breathing and heart had stopped.
See? Told ya. But he did get off way to easy, don’t you think? I do wonder if the gun crew they fled because of Superman or because they killed the deadman-switch that kept their families alive.

If any of you help me find her, and also tell me the quickest way out of these tunnels, I'll come back and let you out as soon as she's safe. If none of you provide any help...” He paused to let them consider the consequences of his being annoyed.
He will have been busy finding and rescuing Mrs. Kent. Oops, sooo-ory.

As he started to move Lois pulled herself in close. As soon as they had cleared the apartment Lois reminded him why he'd held on through the torture. “I love you, Clark.”

But in the time since they'd escaped, neither on them wanted to go more than a few minutes - or an hour at most - without the feel of the other’s flesh against theirs.
Oh dear. That supply closet sure is going to get a workout.
PERRY: I’ve already commissioned they move the copy machine into the supply closet and retrofit the copy room. Lois will just have to make up a schedule with Cat for when to use it.

"Okay, but don't take too long," she said with a smile. After one more lingering kiss, she started for the elevators.
Probably still in her ‘strong man are hot’ phase.

“I'm sure it didn't,” Bernie said in an almost cryptic tone. “I think I know why, but I can't check my idea with my experts.”
*confused* Pregnant?

“Clark, when you rescued Lois, how were you dressed?”
Oh, okay. Looks like I was right about that one.

“So did Mendenhall have some kind of death wish?” Lois asked. “Lex would have killed him once I’d rejected his advances.”
Maybe Dr. M. simply expected Lex to die while trying to consummate with his Stepford wife.

“The key to the puzzle was when we measured your powers. Based on the tests we did the day after you escaped, your abilities are – to the accuracy we can measure – exactly two-thirds of what they were before your first Nightfall mission.”
Huh. So, the loss is permanent despite the immunity?

“You are for now. And maybe forever. We should check periodically to see if the G elements reappear.”
Huh, so, maybe it would be best for Clark to visit Dr. Klein on a monthly basis and sit for a day in a Kryptonite chamber.

“I'm sure that I'll be seeing it pop up in criminal hands. What should I do when someone uses one against me?”

“Well, try not to laugh too hard.

And after you're done, I'd like to have them for my studies. Finally, if nothing else, some of them are exceptionally beautiful crystals. If the radiation really does prove to be harmless to you and humans, it might make some attractive jewelry.”
Cute. He might actually wear a kryptonite ring, keep the exposure constant.

“Anyone who tries to grab Lois is going to have a very bad day,” Clark said coldly.
Yes, well, he really should have thought of that *before* allowing the police to dispose of Lex’s body instead of dragging it through the streets and mounting it on a lamppost in front of City Hall.

“Son, I don't know. I don't think it would feel right for Superman to leave the United States,” Jonathan said.
He could go to Washington, DC, establish himself at 1600 Penn.

“Welcome to the ranks of Superman's advisors,” Clark said as he offered the older man his hand.

Well…you did tie a nice bow on this whole mess. Well done!

wave Michael

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