What ever happened to the other Martha? Given that she was part accomplice and part victim, did she go to jail? What sort of testimony did Lois give at her trial, if there was one?
Wow! I clearly have to address that. Martha was not an accomplice. She was just a poor woman hired to be a maid to Lois. She knew nothing about Luthor and the plan. She really was a prisoner trying to make the best of a hard situation. I tried to make this clear by the end but obviously have to try harder.
The reason I thought her part accomplice was that, IIRC, she had known going into this that the lady she would be serving was being held against her will. I would guess that in the eyes of the law, that would make her an accomplice. A reasonable person would have been expected to ask additional questions before agreeing to take on such a job. It seems to me akin to someone who buys a 50" television for $25 from the back of a truck. Perhaps "accomplice" is not the correct legal term; "accessory" maybe? (I am, obviously, no lawyer). In any event, it seems to me that she would have some measure of legal culpability, albeit much smaller than anyone else working for Lex.

In any event, this is a relatively minor detail. I want to reiterate that I enjoyed the story very much.
