Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Huh, she does have a smell theme going. Say, is it possible she’s not been showering much since they found bugs in her shower head?
LOIS: EX-cuse me! I shower plenty, if you must know. I spend LOTS and LOTS of time in the shower. I'm cleaner than I've been since visiting that Met. Sew. Rec. Fac.!

CLARK: Nah, go right ahead. Remember to remind him of the Golden Rule. <<EW Note: that would be "do onto others, as you'd like them to do onto you".>>

TRUE CLARK: I'll do that.

ER: So, TRUE CLARK would love for Tempus to kick him with all his strengths where only Lois is supposed to touch him?
Well, since Tempus killed True Clark, and if True Clark was to do Tempus what Tempus had done to him...

TEMPUS: <<looks at watch>> Look at the time! I've got a interdimensional time machine to catch. [Linked Image]

I *was* wondering whether to ask if you’re happy you got that big a buffer again.
Actually my cushion is at 7 parts at the moment, only 20-ish for those readers who haven't caught up yet.

So, Lois’s head on Cat’s lingerie-clad body?
CAT: That makes sense. I could see Lois doing that. My body is worth stealing.

LOIS: I most certainly DID not! If Superman... we are talking about Superman, here, not Clark, right?... is going to fantasize about me, it's going to be with ALL of me!

CAT: So, you want ALL of Metropolis to see your scantally clad body on a billboard?

LOIS: blush Uh... er... um....

CAT: I thought not.

ER2TRUECLARK: He’s adorable, isn’t he?

TRUE CLARK: Yeah, but he'll still go <<leaping off a tall building with a piece of Kryptonite in his boot>> if he touches her again.
LOIS: I'm never going to win, am I?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.