“That was different,” Clark said later, switching off the television with the remote and leaning back against the sofa. He rested against one end and Lois against the other, with their knees meeting in the middle.
At first I thought this was an "awkward apart pose" but since their knees meet, it isn't that.

“I don’t understand the title though. It seemed like Jane Russell was having much more fun than Marilyn was. She’s a bit like you.”

Okay, I’ll bite, Lois decided. “Jane or Marilyn?”

“Jane, of course. A smart, sassy, fiercely loyal, and talented brunette,” he explained. “Someone who was always up for a lark.”[Quote]

I hope Clark can explain this in a postive way. It is dangerously thin ice.

[Quote]Uh-huh. “So, you didn’t mean her assets?” she asked skeptically.

He tossed her a naughty grin that, for once, went straight to his eyes. “I have no idea to what you’re referring,” he replied, clearly knowing exactly what she meant. “I’ve already listed her ‘assets’.”
You write such fun Lois/Clark interaction dialogues.

Lois guffawed. “You can’t keep going around lying, Clark,” she teased, picking up the pizza box from the coffee table and dumping it into the trash. Besides the obvious reasons that it made her angry and that it went against his personality, he was just plain lousy at it. Although, he had fooled her for months. Or had he?
Well, this is not really a lie. It is teasing misdirection. He does not really want anything but her to realize he likes her in all possible ways.

Clark popped the movie out of the machine and put it back into its box. “Actually, I don’t lie as much as you do,” he countered.
This is extremely thin ice there Clark.

“Most everything I say is the truth. Can you say that about yourself?” Clark asked.

“No, but…” Ooooh. She hated when he used her words against her.
He actually got her to agree with him.

“I’m from Metropolis; you’re from…?” Where was he from? That was her main motivation for coming to his apartment this evening, to find out. Italy?
It would also make her argument be total jibberish.

He smiled as if he had her. “I’ve told you my secrets, Lois. You’ve chosen not to believe me.”
This is technically true, although some were said in a tone where her believing them was not at all expected.

“All of them?” she challenged.

He shrugged. “For the most part.”
He has not told her he was at one point engaged for one thing.

He had hardly touched her, barely brushing her hand once when he handed her a glass of wine, bumping knees when she had kicked off her heels and curled up on the couch. She had only caught him sending her sidelong glances a couple of times during some of Marilyn’s scenes that were more ‘overt’.
I guess I understand why Clark is doing this, but I still wish he would flirt with Lois more.

As soon as they found Barbara Trevino, their little slumber parties would end, and they could go back to business as usual. She cleared her throat as a pang of disappointment washed over her.
smile1 smile1 smile1 She likes being with Clark.

Still, it would have been nice if he had asked her before casting her out to the couch.
Clark: No, I prefer not to have Lois go balistic on me. Plus, she might accept, and I really cannot sleep with him in good conscious, not when her Clark will be back soon. No, better not tempt fate.

No, it would have been awkward. He was right in not asking her to his bed, especially since their relationship was more friendship and business partners now, than the romance it had once been.
Clark: Asking her to bed would just be all wrong. No, I am not going to do it. Even if I thought I could stay here I would not do it. It would be taking advantage of Lois, and more likely cause her to run away than anything else. It is not a good idea. We have not even kissed in months.

He hadn’t even tried to kiss her since… since… how long had it been? Since Smallville? No, that couldn’t be right. Certainly, he had tried to kiss her since then, hadn’t he?
Clark: Lois, you like being in charge. I am letting you be in control.

There was a ever-growing part of her that wanted to say ‘yes’
I believe that should be "an ever-growing".

to anything Clark might suggest, so she was glad he wasn’t asking her any ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions at the moment, as in ‘Can I hold your hand?’, ‘May I hold you?’, ‘Can I kiss you?’, or the biggy, ‘May I make love to you?’ Not that she would’ve said ‘yes’ to a kiss, necking, petting, getting naked, taking a long hot steamy shower…
I love it when Lois protests too much.

Right, his penchant for lying, and the reason someday wasn’t today. “You say so many things, Clark. How am I supposed to know what to take as truth and what’s said in jest to cover up the truth?”
This is a good question, although the answer is, most of what he says is truth, even when said in jest.

She patted his chest.
smile1 she is touching Clark.

“You keep saying that. Am I that different from other men?” he asked, once more letting go of his self-esteem. The pleasure from her earlier words had already faded from his eyes. How could a man as kind and caring as Clark not know how wonderful a friend he could be? Well, when he wasn’t lying.
Because Lois does not tell him how wonderful he is enough.

“But this is my bed, Lois, or where I’ll be sleeping. I want you to take my bed,” he insisted.
I was hoping this was his plan.

“That’s not necessary,” Lois said.
Lois: This is going to put a major crimp in my snooping plans.

“Not in so many words. It was more implied,” Lois replied with a shiver, glancing away. “I’d rather not be alone.”
Clark: So do you want us to sleep together, I mean just sleep in the same place, I did not mean anything else by that suggestion. Not at all.

Clark enveloped her in his arms. “As long as I’m around, you’ll never have to be.”
Lois: Than hold me.


Lois: Clark, you didn't hear anything. I did not say anything outloud.

“You didn’t bring a suitcase,” he murmured into her hair. “Do you want me to swing by your apartment and…?”
Lois: Are you deaf, I said I didn't want to be alone.

“Okay,” he replied, tightening his embrace slightly.
smile1 He is holding her. We are getting more of that than in canon, although since in canon they skipped most of the night, and Clark did hold Lois right when she arrived, maybe there was as much holding and we just did not see it.

NR: In canon Clark put his lips to Lois' in this episode.

PR: To give her mouth-to-mouth resciciation. It was not a kiss.

canon Clark: It felt like a kiss to me.

canon Lois: I do not clearly remember it. It did not count as a kiss. Let's try it again Clark.

They stood like that for another minute. It felt good to have Clark hold her again as if his arms were a shield of armor to protect her from the evils of the world. Not that she needed protecting,
Lois is doing an awful lot of protesting in this section.

Lois stepped out of Clark’s embrace, so that her mind could function clearly again.
I was hoping this would not happen.

“Are you suggesting that we share it?” he asked, his voice deepening, while having a sharp panicked edge to it.

Oh, no! That would be a disaster. That wasn’t why she had come to his place. “No, no, no, no, no,” she repeated quickly.

“I agree,” Clark said, exhaling in relief. “I will take the couch.”
Clark: See offering to share the bed was not a good idea.

“If I can’t find anything, I can always sleep naked.” The words came out of her mouth before she even knew they were forming.
Clark: That would be nice. I mean, ah, it is OK by me, I won't be here, so it does not matter to me. That is all I meant, really.

Well, so much for the ‘keeping him from checking up on me because he thinks I’m naked’ plan, she thought wryly.
Oh, so that was her plan. In an apartment with a half-wall between the living room and the bedroom.

John Pack Lambert