Lynn One of the wonderful things about FDK is readers raising points I hadn't thought of - I tend to have very narrow vision about my plots.

If Lana does know CK=S, he is the *perfect* target for her scheme.


Oh dear. And I only picked up the habit after reading Nan's Supercop. Plus, I only used a dozen or so. Are you saying I'm only allotted ave a gross for the entire story? Shouldn't there be extenuating circumstances with your story?
I was thinking about how there's a graemlin-per-post limit and how if there was an 'oh boy' limit, you had given it a shake. You give such wonderful FDK, I'm sure all writers would vote to allow you to use as many 'oh boys' and 'oh dears' as you feel is necessary. laugh

DC You're not late to the party, Vicki, it's only just begun smile

Blech!!! (Can you tell that I HATE Mayson?)
I hope this isn't too much of a spoiler, but Mayson's part in this is ... quite passive.

Thanks for the comments.
