Clark is such a door-mat when it comes to Lana... razz Please, when he was a boy it was understandable that he would be in awe of her and bow to all her wishes, putting up with her petulance. After all, he was a farm boy that knew nothing about life and didn't know what to do of his strange abilities, with no friends besides her. But now he is a (super) man and a well known reporter that traveled the world. He has a life, friends and a job. It's ridiculous that he keeps on being tongue-tied around her and allowing her to take over his life. [Linked Image]

The same with Mayson... He has to be honest and tell her that he is not interested. It's not fair to lead her on while while he's in love with Lois. Being rejected hurt, but would he like it if Lois had accepted his declaration of love and kept on mooning over Superman? Even being Superman he was never comfortable with her adoration of his alter ego. What he is doing with Mayson is worse, because he's in love with another (real) woman, not an alter ego.

Be a man, Clark! Honor your tights... er... pants. blush

/me waiting a new part: [Linked Image] Impatient? Who?


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15