I need to know your posting schedule! Because this one promises to be a bumpy ride and my seat belt is at the cleaners!

No, really, that cliffie was most unexpected. I wonder if Lana is really pregnant or if she just came up with that to try to scare Mayson away. If so, did it work? And how will Lois react when she hears this "news?" Who will tell her, Clark or Mayson or (shudder) Lana?

Hmm. Clark has two obsessive women chasing him, one whose head is not screwed on tightly enough. It's bad enough that Mayson is willing to slip in close to him and all but knock him to the floor, but now that nutjob Lana is here there's no telling where he'll end up.

So, next part yet?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing