This is a great 'bridge' chapter, sorta the calm before the storm of Nor and company.
Thank you! laugh

Love the furball! Fasa reminds me so much of my own little kitty, especially when it comes to sleeping on your feet!
Aww! Cats are so great at that, aren't they?

Nor is not a nice guy, refusing to accept Kal's hand in assistance and all that. He's a little too obvious in his dislike of Kal, but hey what do you expect of a spoiled brat?
He pulls the wings off flies in his spare time too. wink

Good to see the Lyne family show up after the dust is settled. Kudos to Kal for standing up to his Father-in-law, as I mentioned earlier, the man is an absolute cad. Elle behaved herself and Luci was sweet and fun. Very refreshing to know she and Lois are on good terms and share a determined spirit.
Thanks. I couldn't not address it. And I thought it would be good if Luci was just like Lois. Which helps her and Kal to bond too.

Ruce arrives at last! So, if he is such a good friend, where was he at the wedding?
Because the author didn't think to put Ruce in until the duel, last chapter? wink

Oh, I like the way you mentioned how much Kal is beginning to lean on his wife rather than his brothers, that's the way its supposed to be!
Thanks! Yep, Kal has come a looooong way.

Lux slitered onto the scene...Boo! Hiss! Now things are really moving forward.
And that can never be a good thing, can it? wink

All in all a really cool chapter and as always I await new installments.
Thanks so much, Morgana! laugh

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon