
Then he reached his hand down, offering it to Nor.
/waits for Nor to reach up, grab Kal’s hand, hold him steady while he pulls out a knife, and then pull Kal down and thrust the knife cleanly in below the sternum.

The two men had never gotten along before, and Kal knew that his victory on this day would only further fuel the numerous grudges that Nor held against him.
/imagines Nor’s to-kill list growing longer/ Does this mean Lois is in danger now?

His damaged knee was aflame from the beating it had taken when Nor caught him in the legs with his drei.
Will they have to amputate after the wound festers?

Dr. Bard K'lin was at his side so quickly it was almost as if he'd materialized out of thin air.
Ooooh! Teleportation!

A small, pencil thin metal tube was in his hands, which emitted a beam of yellow laser light.
When in lack of heatvision…

Then he gave the prince a small, white pill to swallow, which would help to kill the pain that was buzzing throughout his entire body.
What a baby.

Every coin in this satchel will be spent on various projects to improve your quality of life.
So, each concubine visit is a project and the lives of the concubines will thus be improved?

And may the winter to come be a gentle one for you all."
Old Nan, A Game of Thrones
“Oh, my sweet summer child," Old Nan said quietly, "what do you know of fear? Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods”
She flung her arms wide as she drew close.
Poor Kal. Hope the pill’s working already.

"Kal, oh Kal," she said, her voice still heavy with worry for him. "You're hurt. Is there anything that I can do?"
/imagines Danaeris after she meets back up with Khal near the end of GoT.

"I'm fine. A little sore though."
Yep. Sounds just like Khal Drogo.

Encouraged, Lois stretched on her toes and kissed him gently. "My hero," she murmured against his lips.

"Ow," Kal whispered, once her lips left his.

[Linked Image]

Again, Kal chuckled. "Actually, pain never felt so good before," he said, winking at her.
Thus, a new practice of love making was discovered.

. This time, the kiss was not gentle. It was deep and full of passion, and promises of more to come when they were finally alone. The sound of a throat being cleared forced Kal and Lois to break their kiss.
So, Kal started to push Lois against the corridor wall and his hands tried make way?

"You certainly pulled it off. But you're rusty, little brother. You could do with some practice." He winked at Kal.
Amazing. /imagines Ching saying the same thing a couple of days earlier/

Kal snorted good-humoredly. "I stayed in a lot longer than either of you did. I'd say that makes me better than you guys."
Virgina has the rights of it.

"Easy for you to say. You didn't get hit in the face with a drei."
Stop whining. Or I’ll have Nor make it up to you like Lois has once she’s stopped hitting you.
Kal: What pain? I’m totally fine. Never felt better in my life. Uh-huh.

"That was well fought," he finally said approvingly. "You certainly did not face an easy opponent. I'm so proud of you."
/imagines Jor-El using Samm’s speech/ “You won. But you got hit. Next time, try not to embarrass our house by bleeding all over your opponents drei.”

"I have always wished to see the day when one of my sons would win the duel, as I did in the past. Tonight, we shall feast in your honor."
A feast! party

"I'd really rather just get some rest," Kal protested, shifting his weight uncomfortably.
Translations: “I’d really rather just get some victory sex from my wife.”

"How does your knee feel?"

"Better than before," Kal admitted. "The pain pill is starting to kick in.
He does realize that pain is your body telling your to back the bad-place-below-Krypton off, right? So you don’t end up with an even worth secondary injury.

He was eager for that moment to come, so that he could stand and walk in comfort again.
Men. Umm… Well, hero-men.

All Kal really wanted at the moment was some time alone with Lois, and possibly a nap.
So, first there’s Lois-time, and this is immediately followed by nap-time. Yep, he’s a guy, all right.

"Ching," Kal said, pulling his brother aside and whispering confidentially to him. "Make sure that Dad keeps this feast as low key as possible. Please?"
So, only 10,000 noble lords and their eldest sons. 30,000 concubines for entertainment. 2,000 boars roasted over the open fire and stuffed with chestnuts. 150 oxen stuffed with unborn puppy. And enough mead and strongwine to flood the entirety of Krypton’s Landing?

"Lord Nor isn't well loved," Kal said with a sigh.
Probably not a good tipper. And the concubines always need medical treatment after his visits. And a rabies shot.

"Okay, I have to ask," Lois cut in. "What exactly is against the rules? Because it seems to me like the fighters can get away with just about anything."
Well…using a gun instead of the drei to kill your opponent. That’s a big no-no. Also, it’s discouraged to kidnap your opponents favorite concubine to extort his forfeit.

Kal shrugged again. "Well, killing your opponent for one."

"How civilized," Lois retorted.
So, using the drei to bash in the other’s skull just enough so he loses half his IQ points and needs diapers for the rest of his life would still be okay?

"It's a good thing that I love you," she said, shaking her head in amusement, and patting his cheek gently.
Yeah, since he’s no longer the handsome prince but a grisly, beaten veteran.

There was no one to stop them to talk as they made their way through the white marble halls.
I’ve got an idea! They can finally christen the castle! Well, as many rooms as Kal is up to.

He was immensely glad that he would not be seeing it for another year.
/waits for Nor to challenge him to a duel/

He paused for a moment to look at his reflection in the full-length mirror that stood in the bedroom.
Will he see Lois behind him?

With a sigh and a look of longing at his bed, Kal stripped out of his underclothes and headed into the shower.
Where is Lois?

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I go by Michael on the Archives.