Part 2 - FDK

"Well, killing your opponent for one."

"How civilized," Lois retorted.

Kal chuckled. "Continuing to hit your opponent after they yield. Hitting an opponent after a match is decided by the Master of the Tournament. Attacking the Master of the Tournament. Attacking one of the doctors as they try to help a fallen or injured fighter." He sighed. "Not much, is it?"
Yep, have to agree with Lois again. Not very civilized.

"Hear that, Jak? The lady loves me," Kal teased as he sank deeper into the supple leather seat.
Sounds like the little white pill is starting to work.

The hot water soothed his aching muscles and drained some of the pent-up tension that was still coiled like a spring within his body. He could not, however, shake the memory of Nor's look of absolute contempt when Kal had offered to help him to his feet. He knew that Nor had always hated him, as well as Ching and Jai. But Nor's eyes had been almost murderous when Kal had kicked away the drei and, in doing so, claimed the victory.
Um... Kal, why are you thinking about Nor in your shower?

Kal gingerly tended his wounds.
Me starting to think DC lied about Nurse Lois. [Linked Image]

He was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, though he felt guilty about that. He desperately wanted to be with Lois - to hug her, to kiss her, to make love to her. But he simply wasn't able to keep his eyes open any longer. He couldn't summon the strength to call to her, though she was only just down the hall in the living room.
What is she doing out in the living room, when her injured husband needs her in the bedroom to cuddle with him? huh

He'd hoped that she would have come into the bedroom while he slept.
He's not the only one. Bloom off the rose already there, Lois. It's all that thinking of Nor while in the shower. Correct answer would have been to invite *Lois* into the shower with you. But, hey, you're still new at this marriage thing, so I'll let you off this time with a warning.

"Lois?" he called out.

Lois was nowhere in sight. There was a faint smell of coffee coming from the kitchenette, but the leftover brew was cold to the touch when Kal laid his hand against the glass pitcher. Lois must have made herself a cup right after he had fallen asleep, he reasoned.

But that still didn't tell him where she had gone. He yawned and rubbed the last remnants of sleep from his eyes... Should he look for her? Should he prepare for the feast? Had her family arrived? Was she with them now?
[Linked Image]She's been kidnapped by Nor!

"Kal?" Lois' pace quickened when she heard his voice.
Or not.

"A little. Sorry that I fell asleep before."
"Yeah! Well, so am I. Since you had no 'energy' to spend with your wife, I went and hung out with Jai. He has *lots* of energy."

"Marthe!" he exclaimed joyfully. "What are you doing here?"
"Lois said you weren't treating her right. So, I came to draw you a diagram, honey."

"Yeah," Kal said, somewhat sheepishly. "It could be worse though," he insisted.
Well, that's true. Jai could draw the diagram.

"You didn't have to search out Marthe."

"Sure I did. You see, I have this amazing husband, and he's hurt. And I would do anything in my power to see him made whole as soon as possible."
Oooh, I know this one. Lois, step 1) Shower with victor. 2) rubs his wounds with salve. 3) cuddle with him. 4) be there when he wakes up... but you're new at this marriage thing. Last warning, people!

"But now, I couldn't imagine my life without her. I love her, Marthe. More than I ever knew it was possible to love someone."

The words tumbled out of his mouth, yet he felt no shame in admitting them. Not to Marthe.
Shame? Shame in admitting to people that you love your wife? [Linked Image]

"I guess Jon told you about my little...discussion...with him the day after the wedding?"
My mistake. [Linked Image] *Jon* drew the diagram. I'm betting he forgot to draw the arrow which told Kal, "this way up". That's where the trouble started.
The room exploded into applause as he entered, and it was all Kal could not to grimace.

Once again, his father had gone overboard. At least three dozen of his father's closest friends and other high ranking nobles were in attendance, as well as the entire Council of Elders. Kal lost the battle not to blush, and he felt the heat rising in his cheeks. He'd never been very comfortable with being the center of attention.
Jor-El(len) is showing his son how much he loves him and is proud of him, by inviting all his friends over and by making him the center of attention, when all Kal wants is a nice quiet evening at home with the Mrs. Feeling the love there, Dad.

At last, he found himself before his wife. His hand reached out to take hers. As they connected, it suddenly felt to Kal as though he could finally breathe again. All was right in his world. He could face this feast, so long as Lois was by his side. He lovingly placed a kiss on her forehead.

"My daughter was just telling me how happy she has been here," Samm offered.
"Oh, Dad, the first three months were the best. I got to beat up the Prince every day. After that, I got kind of bored, so I decided to see if I was nice to him if he'd still be interested in me as a wife, and guess what? He did." laugh "Unfortunately, it took another 3 months of staring at stars and inviting him into my bed for him to remember that we were married and it was okay to... you know. But I figured out the problem. Tonight while Kal was in the shower, he called out to Nor. But other than that, I've been happy, because I haven't been around you-all. How's your belittling going, Dad? Your drinking, Mom?"

Samm nodded. "I am pleased to hear that. I had been worried that..." He stopped and groped for the proper words.

"That...?" Kal prompted.

"My daughter...well...she can be a handful, sometimes."
[Linked Image] Can you stick you foot into your mouth a little more there, Samm?

"Samm, I assure you that I love everything about Lois. Especially all of the aspects that set her apart from all the other noble women that I have ever met. It's refreshing to see a woman with a mind of her own and a determined, free spirit. My hope is that you encourage Luci to be the same way." His voice was cordial, but with an underlining hardness to it, in an effort to close the discussion before it could progress any further. "Krypton could use more women like Lois. It would be a much better place."
Yes, Samm, let's anger the PRINCE that you married your daughter off to. Hmmm. Why it's not always better to marry above one's station.

Kal could see the conflict in Lois' eyes as she said goodbye to her family. On the one hand, she loved them and missed them. And on the other, he could see that she was relieved to have that comfortable separation from them so that she could fully be herself again. Kal took her hand in his once the Lyne family was gone, and led her back to their chambers.
Okay, FINALLY, they are going back to their chambers so Lois can nurse Kal, as promised.

To Be Continued...
[Linked Image] Okay, DC, I'm going to say it. You're a tease.

Can Kal and Lois have a little time without the family, or interrupting servants, or battles, or work, or war, or exploding planets... just some romance. Please! grovel

Now, I'm just going to have to come back and read what comes next. Sigh.

See ya, Thursday!

(EDIT: Sorry, for once again being snarky. blush I've got to stop doing comments at 1am. I promise to be a better FDKer on Thursday.)

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.