But in the end, I just couldn't stay inside. Lois Lane had been resurrected such a short time ago, and she was much too alive now for me to hold still.

"Good evening, Lois."

His amused smile was rare and even more amazing than his usual stern expression. "I mean...a lift." And his arms lifted me from the ground and collected me close to his chest.

And I was flying.
No, no, no, no, no!!!!!

"No." Superman drew me a little closer to himself, his skin radiating a warmth almost enough to counteract the January chill around us. "I am different. But there are some things that are the same."
Um, hi Lois. Does this sound like a *normal* Superman to you????

"Yes." Superman met my questioning eyes, his expression grave. "Trust me, Lois: had I known there was a fire there, I would certainly have protected those men."
Noooo.....you are covering for them. If everyone thinks the men who captured Lois and Clark are dead, then they get away with it all.

Oddly, his downcast expression reminded me of Clark.
How many clues do you need woman??? Sheesh!

"I hope you're right, Lois." There was something incredibly deep and profoundly sad in Superman's expression, and he turned his face away from me as if realizing I wasn't ready to see the truths written there.
Hmmm....genuine concern? Or play-acting?

"If I can," he replied succinctly, the tiniest hint of a smile lifting the right corner of his mouth. "I am kept somewhat busy with emergencies."
What? No alarm bells, Lois? This Superman does not *want* to take down Luther. Odds are, he's working *for* Luthor.

I couldn't begin to understand why he had singled me out among all the reporters swarming around the Messenger launch
Well, you *were* the only reporter at the Messanger launch that almost got exploded. laugh Just kidding...kinda....

And now...now I wouldn't hesitate to call it true love.
wallbash And here you were making sooooo much progress in loving Clark, Lois.

"I come here a lot," Superman explained quietly, finally looking away from me to survey the magnified stars around us. "Between the stars and the Earth, not part of either one--this is where I belong. It's quiet up here, serene, and yet, looking down at the cities below, I can see how much I am needed. I have the might, which means I have the right to do what I can to help people."
Again - warning bells much????

An almost childlike grin changed the superhero's entire demeanor. "I like it, too." He sobered quickly, however. "I'd better be going. I'm required elsewhere."
Supes is starting to sound like a robot. Wake up and notice it, Lois!

"He took you flying?" There was a bleak, yet oddly wistful, note to Clark's voice that paused me and dampened my frustration. I hated this. Why couldn't Clark just be happy with friendship? Why did he always have to compare himself to the superhero? Why couldn't he understand that he was perfect just the way he was and that he didn't need to fly to be special in his own way? Why hadn't *I* understood that before now?
*heart breaks*

Daring to loosen a hand from around his neck, I pushed the blankets aside so he could slide in beside me, then rearranged them over him when he settled himself next to me.
I was so hoping that this would happen! Maybe it will help them both to heal a bit.

What a great chapter. I particularly loved Lois' nightmare...how Clark and Superman sort of almost morph into one. Maybe this will help Lois start to put the pieces together. I'm so grateful that Lois didn't breathe a word about what Jimmy is up to to Superman.

However, I'm frustrated beyond belief that Clark is still holding so tightly to his secret. But that's the mark of a good writer - to make the acudience respond emotionally to what is going on in a story.

Nice work and post more soon please!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon